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- >>Mr. Klass is former Avionics Editor of Aviation Week & Space Technology
- Magazine, and widely recognized as the world's foremost UFO debunker.
- ----------------------
- Although I am really much too busy working on my new book on "UFO
- abductions," and my assignments for Aviation Week & Space Technology
- magazine, I chanced to note your pernicious comment that you "envision in
- the near future bumper stickers that say, `Kill a Believer for CSICOP.'"
- What a dreadfully inaccurate comment from one who has attended a
- CSICOP conference, where the "believers" are invited to present their
- views -- in striking contrast to MUFON conferences. (At the recent first
- general meeting of the National Capital Area Skeptics, Dr. Bruce Maccabee
- was invited to present the pro-UFO side of `UFO-abductions' and given
- equal time to my own. Did he invite me to speak at his FUFOR sponsored
- MUFON conference later this month??)
- As for your lament, "Ufology: After 40 Years, Still No Respect," the
- same lament has been voiced by The Flat Earth Society, by those who
- believe in "ancient astronauts," in ghosts and poltergeist -- and was
- earlier voiced by the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle when organized science
- showed no interest in his photos and tales of fairies (the tiny variety).
- The explanation is simple: The world's leading scientists are dum-
- dums, which explains why our scientific knowledge has not advanced one
- iota in the past 100 years!!!!!
- If world-reknown [sic] scientists fail to be impressed by the evid-
- ence that you and other UFOlogists find so impressive, then clearly it is
- "they" and not you who are at fault. And "they" would be more open-minded
- if it were not for the tiny handful of skeptics, such as Klass, Sheaffer,
- and Oberg. Why is it that Hynek, McDonald, Maccabee, Sturrock, Westrum,
- Truzzi, etc., all with Ph.D.'s, were/are not able to overcome the negativ-
- ism of a tiny handful of skeptics without such academic pedigrees?
- It never once occurs to UFO-proponents like yourself that perhaps--
- perhaps--there is no UFO evidence that the world's great scientific minds
- find impressive. That it is only impressive to those who have an overwhelm-
- ing desire to believe, to the credulous and gullible.
- But be of good cheer, at age 67 I do not have many more years ahead,
- and Sheaffer and Oberg in time will pass. Then, with the three of us gone--
- at long last the world's great scientists will "see the light" about UFOs.
- And, for the first time, the cultists will have been proven right, and the
- world's great scientific minds will admit they were wrong.